Portfolio Overlap Analysis

Reconnaissance can conduct efficient assessments of your and your competitors’ patent, design, and trademark portfolios. Our experts work diligently to find out if there is any overlap between your and your competitors’ portfolios. In the case of any such overlaps, our team also guides you through further litigation practices or partnership ventures.

Precise Portfolio assessments
Precise Portfolio assessments
Decision Making Support
Decision Making Support
Accurate ROI
Accurate ROI

What We Do

The portfolio overlap analysis involves the appraisal of the client alongside a competitor’s IP portfolio or part thereof, like patent portfolio, design portfolio, etc. This appraisal is done to uncover any similarities between the two sets of portfolios. 

Any perceived similarity is an opportunity for three courses of action:

First – enforcing one’s IP by litigating against the other party in different jurisdictions.

Second – when synergies are found between the overlapping IP, it may be wise to sidestep litigation through acquisition or licensing or cross-licensing. This helps prevent reinventing the wheel. But, when it comes to trademarks, it could be beneficial to do a rebranding exercise before a product/ service is launched into the market than incurring the excessive costs of litigation and damages, along with the recall of the goods.

Third – forming a joint research venture and partnering up. This opportunity also involves figuring out ways to design around similar aspects of the technologies.

Transforming Intellectual Property into a Profitable Asset

Maximize the value of your intellectual property assets with the highly-efficient consultancy services of Reconnaissance. Modify intellectual property from a cost center into a lucrative investment with Reconnaissance.

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