Portfolio Analysis
At Reconnaissance, we help you to analyse and determine the market value of your or your competitor’s IP portfolios. Our portfolio analysis helps you identify the potential and monetization opportunities associated with your IP assets. Similarly, we also assist you in detecting risks pertaining to your IP portfolios and taking appropriate actions to safeguard your portfolio.

What We Do
Reconnaissance assists clients in conducting all-inclusive IP portfolio appraisals for a variety of reasons. This includes regular and accurate docketing where all the documentation is completed and updated before the deadline. This not only reduces the stress of maintaining the IP portfolio but also makes it less labour & time consuming, thereby making the whole process more manageable.
Portfolio analysis is crucial to identify and classify various IP rights into winners and non-starters. It helps IP owners to save time, effort and money and assists them in directing all resources for further development. Further, it directs all resources to develop the Winners. Portfolio analysis helps in discontinuing the funding and pursuance of IP applications/ rights that are no longer aligned with the goals and direction of the business.
The all-inclusive IP portfolio appraisals also include finding new monetization opportunities through assignment or licensing or franchising of discontinued/ relieved IP rights. It helps identify risks and liabilities in the IP portfolio and enables IP owners to take appropriate actions to mitigate or eliminate them. Besides, portfolio appraisals can also find latent hidden gems in the portfolio that can be taken up with new enthusiasm and developed into high returns assets.
Portfolio analysis can also be used to identify gaps in the portfolio where IP rights need to be applied for. It is also useful to identify any jurisdictions which may have been missed in which the business has an interest and/ or market entry plans. The portfolio analysis is limited to specific IP rights such as patents, trademarks, copyright and design, depending on the client type and industry sector.
Competitor Portfolio Analysis:
Reconnaissance conducts due diligence on the IP portfolio of one or more competitors for clients. This includes finding weaknesses, discrepancies, instances of non-disclosures of statutory information and failure to act on their part to be used to challenge them through oppositions or invalidations or in court. This provides clients with competitor’s information like the technological trajectory that they follow. This also includes any diversifications and information on important markets and launches of new products and services. Reconnaissance always presents its reports to clients in a professional, user-friendly and easy-to-understand searchable format.