
Reconnaissance is an expert in preventing or responding to IP design theft or infringements. We take all necessary measures to protect your designs from counterfeiting. With our high-grade investigative capabilities, we employ a comprehensive approach to identifying and mitigating IP threats. Prevent the theft or counterfeiting of your IP designs efficiently with Reconnaissance.

Compliance with Global Design Offices
Designs Trends Discovery & Tracking Competitor’s Designs
Detailed Analysis of Design Portfolios
Industry Specific Design Data
Online and Offline Design Searches
Visually Striking Advocacy Presentations

What We Do

Reconnaissance conducts in-depth and results-oriented physical and online investigations for products with design rights coverage. This is beneficial for tracking and stopping the manufacturing, distribution and sale of counterfeit design products pan India. We also frequently conduct investigations to establish infringement of products protected by design rights for our clients across India. We also work with our global network to assist clients in design anti-counterfeit and infringement investigations throughout the world.

Transforming Intellectual Property into a Profitable Asset

Maximize the value of your intellectual property assets with the highly-efficient consultancy services of Reconnaissance. Modify intellectual property from a cost center into a lucrative investment with Reconnaissance.

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